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Testimonials for Books and Workshops

Omega Institute

In the class, you had directed us in using smaller movements to protect our joints.  I imagined the Nadi's in my body light up and fill with Presence.  I had been a Kripalu yoga teacher since the early 90's and had never experienced this.  Remarkable!


Susan Chickering

Asheville, NC

I love the book for YTT and just feel its a good anatomy book for yoga in general.   Super simple and communicates complicated ideas in easy and accessible ways.  There are way too many anatomy books on yoga.  This one is is a nice one stop shop.


Calgary, Alberta CA

Yoga YTT

Thank you, Steven, for the best workshop I've ever attended. Priceless information! Looking forward to reading your book.

Judi Chaudrue-Lyons

California, MD

Art of Alignment, 2016

Steven is so experienced, so literate in body, mind and spirit and conveys overall with enthusiasm, humor and wisdom. His work has helped me to move forward and resolve a number of different ailments and I've been happy to integrate and share that with my students and clients. I learn more each time from him.

Dhivya Berthoud

Buckingham, VA

A lovely blend of mind and body, science and spirit. Many techniques and observations to improve yoga practice and movement throughout life. A good teacher- patient yet thorough.

Ruth Rotchford

Yogaville, VA

Best yoga program I have ever attended!  I learned more here about safe yoga practice than any other program.including my teacher training. Would efinitely recommend!

Christina Negrete

Yogaville, VA


Yoga TT

Steven, your workshop was amazing, I now feel more confident as a teacher and student! You have greatly changed my practice and probably prevented some future injuries smile emoticon I will be recommending your workshops and books! Namaste! ☺

Cecelia Horn

Tucson, AZ

ChiroYoga™ Seminars

"Be prepared for practical, functional, and restorative alignment techniques for yourself, as well as your patients!  Every chiropractor interested in the application of yoga and proper body alignment should take this seminar."

Mary Ann Rosman, D.C.

Mineola, NY

Yoga TT 

Thank you also for all of your insight and inspiration.

Casey Schachter, Southern MD

Steven is deeply knowledgeable about the mechanics of the body, along with other disciplines involving health and healing, such as Ayurveda. His teachings bring information to life in ways that make sense and have practical use for students at any level. He is generous with his wisdom, and has an obvious passion for contributing to the growth and well-being of those of us he encounters.

Dru Greene

Osprey, FL

Yoga TT

Steven Weiss was a guest lecturer at my Yoga Teacher Training in January, 2014 on the topic  of anatomy and alignment.  This was probably my favorite piece of the training. It was extremely informative and well organized, and was  presented in an entertaining and easy to understand format, with plenty of hands on work, good visual aids and lots of class participation. I would highly recommend Steven Weiss to lecture on this topic for any teacher training or workshop! I can also recommend his book, The Injury Free Yoga Practice.
C. Davis
Peekskill, NY


Indonesia Yoga Therapy Training

I felt that Steven was the only teacher that makes me highly developed. That will determine the rest is talent. So, therefore, I am very proud of and will never be a disciple Steven. Hopefully in 2015 we had the opportunity to collaborate, so it will be a big surprise in Indonesia. I am optimistic, although I am only a facilitator, participants will be a really great deal.

Fank Andreas

Malang Indonesia

Chiroyoga™ Seminars

“’wonderful weekend of ChiroYoga. It’s helped me with my own body awareness… helped a patient with a chronic shoulder problem using these methods…”  

R. Hall, DC

Southold, NY


 “A wonderful experience … your energy, knowledge, gifted ability to share such valuable information, and for your compassion for your students. The two six hour days flew by and I took a great deal home with me for my personal practice and to share with my patients.”  

T. Wukich. DC


“I was able to share some of the alignment principles and techniques with several patients this past week … a fabulous workshop not only targeted physical and intellectual levels, but was truly a spiritual experience.

E.Turner, DC


I'm so incredibly grateful for the integrative alignment yoga therapy training I just finished with Dr. Steven Weiss. Being able to study with a Yoga Therapist who has been a chiropractor for 35 years was so beneficial, and was something I have been deeply yearning for. Precise alignment is central to the design of all things mechanical; the human body is no exception. The very meticulous hands-on training and 1-on-1 teaching has just added so much to my toolbox as a Yoga Therapist. I can't wait to share it with my clients!!! ‪#‎YogaTherapy‬ ‪#‎MoveBetterFeelBetter‬ ‪#‎IntegrativeAlignment‬

Jenna Stone 

Calgary, AB, CA


I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your book. It should be in everyone's library. Thank you for writing it!

Susie Montalvo Doling

Sarasota, FL

This book is a value beyond words. It is essential in my personal growth, as well as key learning material in all my teacher training programs. Students and facilitators alike are able to break down and understand such a complex subject as well as continue to learn and grow with diverse material. Steven makes learning anatomy simple and practical! I have so many anatomy books that just sit on my shelf and never get opened. This one is so functional and relevant that it's my go-to resource of knowledge.

Alice Hong, International Yoga Institute

Alberta, Canada

…a brilliant resource for students, teachers, body workers, and frankly, anyone living in a body!  Thorough, clear, and concise descriptions and illustrations. Dr. Weiss offers an exploration of anatomy and yoga’s therapeutic applications in a manner accessible to all.  In a time of global expansion in the yoga world resources such as this are needed more than ever to help maintain safe, stable, healthy and enjoyable practices. The reader is able to grasp and apply techniques and alignment cues that are relevant and fully experiential. This book continues to be a reference and resource for all Yoga Teacher training programs at Evolve. 

Ann Hunt, E-RYT 500    

Director of Education and Owner, Evolve Yoga + Wellness

Steven Weiss’ book has been a great gift to our studio. It is a primary resource for our 200-hour and 300-hour training programs. Dr. Weiss has done an amazing job in putting all of his experience and knowledge into this clearly written text. There are great diagrams and pictures that help illustrate various postures and anatomical references. Few anatomy for yoga texts will address specific concerns and injuries that occur by practicing incorrectly or too forcefully. This book goes beyond safety measures to include specific therapeutic techniques for injuries and structural imbalances. Everything is easy understand and to put into practice. It provides everything a teacher or student needs for practicing yoga and remaining injury free, finding ease, sukha and experiencing the "yoga of being".

Priscilla Potter, Director

The Yoga Connection

Tucson, AZ

"A wonderful book! It has the answers to many unanswered questions. Written from the heart with much insight relevant for a yoga teacher, both in its notions of anatomy and its attitude towards yoga. This is the anatomy book that every yoga teacher should have!"

Francesca (Omkari) Folonari

Sivananda YogaInCentro-Firenze, Italy

Best Yoga program I have ever attended. I learned more here about safe Yoga practices than in any other program including my teacher training. Would definitely recommend!

Christina Negrete

A lovely blend of mind and body, science and spirit—many techniques and observations to improve Yoga practice and movement throughout life. A good teacher; patient but thorough.

Mary Rotchford

Steven is so experienced, so literate regarding the body, mind, and spirit; and he conveys all with enthusiasm, humor, and wisdom. His work has helped me to move forward and resolve a number of different ailments, and I’ve been happy to integrate and share that with my students and clients.

Heidi Divya Bertroud

Steve’s presentation skills just keep getting better and better. Slides were very helpful.

Program Participant

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